by Jennie Belle Church World Service is committed to serving the most vulnerable in our world. At the CWS Durham office, this means assisting refugees on the road to beginning a new life in the United States through legal services, assistance with housing, job training and placement, and English classes. However, there are other ways of helping those who …
“I will never forget the compassion”: An Intern’s View of CWS Legal Services
Cerina interned with CWS Durham Immigration Legal Services in the Summer of 2018, where she was a huge help to our legal team and got to be a part of the great CWS Scavenger Hunt of 2018 (the context for this ridiculous photo). She hopes to pursue a career in legal services after experiencing both sides of this hugely important …
Enjoying the Little Things: An Update from the Border
This August, CWS Durham case manager Krista Camp was deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border for ten weeks to support a shelter for asylum-seekers leaving detention. You can read her previous updates here and here. Watching twenty-five women, men, and children from Guatemala and Mexico walk through an Arizona university campus wearing ankle monitors is something the students don’t see every day. However, when …
“I Want to be a Doctor Again”: Reducing Refugee Brain Waste through TAP-F
Written by Julia Hause 9:58, 9:59, 10:00. I look up from my desk, which faces the front door of our office. Bright, smiling faces greet me on the other side of the door as I open the office to clients for our daily walk-in hours. Here, I answer questions ranging from ‘How do I pay my electricity bill?’ to, ‘I …
CWS Durham sends Case Manager to U.S.-Mexico border
This past Sunday, CWS Durham case manager Krista set out for the U.S.-Mexico border on an emergency deployment for Spanish-speaking CWS staff. In the middle of the current border crisis, Krista will spend the next ten weeks working at a shelter for asylum-seekers where she will provide much-needed relief and capacity-building support. We’ll miss her back here in Durham, …
Advocacy Event – August 21st!
On August 21st, CWS Durham is teaming up with Judea Reform, Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Hillsborough, and Triangle Interfaith Advocates for Refugees and Immigrants to host a story-sharing and advocacy event focused on reuniting refugee and immigrant families. Come hear members of our community share their own stories of family separation and reunification, and learn what …